如果你现在已经有了一套资产管理系统, 支持账号权限控制, 能很方便的存放一些key/value. 同时也在使用saltstack进行系统管理. 是不是会觉得如果pillar放在资产管理系统会是一个不错的做法?
下面这种方式能够让你在资产管理系统中定义pillar, 然后打通到saltstack.
在saltstack中, ext_pillar的优先级要比定义在master的pillar/foo.sls中高.
saltstack官方提供了一个http_json接口, 但是用起来会有2个不方便的地方:
- 不支持账号认证(提了个issue, https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/36138 ,还没修)
- 不支持只获取某个minion的pillar.
这就好说了, 既然有了葫芦, 可以比着画个瓢, 支持这2特性.
1. 增加ops_http_json.py
2. 在salt master上增加配置:
ext_pillar: - ops_http_json: url: https://ops.ops.com/assets/salt/%s/pillars/ username: username password: password
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' A module that adds data to the Pillar structure retrieved by an http request Configuring the HTTP_JSON ext_pillar ==================================== Set the following Salt config to setup http json result as external pillar source: .. code-block:: yaml ext_pillar: - http_json: url: http://example.com/api/%s username: basic username password: basic password Module Documentation ==================== ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import re # Import Salt libs try: from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote as _quote _HAS_DEPENDENCIES = True except ImportError: _HAS_DEPENDENCIES = False # Set up logging _LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): return _HAS_DEPENDENCIES def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, # pylint: disable=W0613 url, username=None, password=None): ''' Read pillar data from HTTP response. :param str url: Url to request. :param str username: username for basic auth :param str password: password for basic auth :return: A dictionary of the pillar data to add. :rtype: dict ''' url = url.replace('%s', _quote(minion_id)) _LOG.debug('Getting url: %s', url) if username and password: data = __salt__['http.query'](url=url, username=username, password=password, decode=True, decode_type='json') else: data = __salt__['http.query'](url=url, decode=True, decode_type='json') if 'dict' in data: return data['dict'] _LOG.error("Error on minion '%s' http query: %s\nMore Info:\n", minion_id, url) for key in data: _LOG.error('%s: %s', key, data[key]) return {}